January 29 "Sow and Sew" Pastor Jake Ritzema

Sow and Sew

Yup you read it correctly “Sow & Sew" is our sermon title for this coming Sunday. Sow & Sew is the third message in our “Sow Generously” series which flows out of Grace Valley’s 2017 theme entitled, “Sow Generously, Live Courageously”.

So far our series has touched on Sow & Soap, the details of which can be seen in our link below. Next came Sow N Seeds.  In Jesus’ Parable of the Sower we determined how important it is for us to get out of the building and plant seeds of God’s Word everywhere!  The more we spread the seeds the better chance we have in planting the Word in fertile hearts ready to receive the Word. 

So what do we mean by Sow & Sew?  In Acts 18 one of the things God teaches us is how important it is to connect with other folks with the same common interest to grow His church.  For more details we invite you to stop by Sunday.  We’ll leave the lights on and the doors open for you :)  We’d love to meet you!    

Sow N Seeds


Actually it is really difficult to write about seeds and sowing when you look outside and know spring and all the tasks we associate with planting are still months off.  However we also realize God is in control of the seasons and His church, and that regardless of what the weather might be doing outside it important to Him we stay busy planting seeds in the hearts and minds of folks who might be receptive to learning something about Jesus.  Join us this Sunday as we take a peek at Jesus’ Parable of the Sower.  Since we are in “farm country” it is one of those stories that really makes sense to gardeners and farmers alike.  Looking for a sermon that digs into the Word?   Then join us this Sunday.  We promise it will be a fruitful experience :)

December 18- Pastor Jake Ritzema- God shows His Favor

Party favors, you know those small gifts given to people for coming to a birthday party, office party, baby shower, etc.   Interesting concept isn’t it.  I am wondering who started that tradition in the first place.  Would it be because the person who was giving the party decided if they gave gifts they would get more gifts - bigger gifts in return? Were they hoping it would guarantee more folks coming to their party? Party favors – interesting concept.  This Sunday we are going to chat about God sharing His favor with Elizabeth, with Mary and with us.   The thing about it is, God shared His favor, His gift without strings attached.  Jesus, the Ultimate Gift of Christmas was given for one reason and one reason only – Love.  Remember John 3: 16?  This Christmas season just do one thing – Thank God for “The Gift

December 11- Pastor Jake Ritzema- Jesus is Near

Your mission, should you decide to accept it is this, “Go outside on a clear night away from the bright lights of the city or the yard lights if you live in the country.  Stand in an open area and count every star that you can see.  Then go back in the house, get on your computer and research how many stars astrophysicists say are in our galaxy, the Milky Way.   Continue your research to uncover how many galaxies there are in the universe.   Then multiply the number of stars in a typical galaxy times the number of galaxies there are in the universe.  As a final step, please mail in your answer to me here at Grace Valley.” 

What does this exercise in counting sun/stars have to do with Christmas? Just this – the God who created all these stars is the same powerful God who created the special star that led the wise men to the Christ in the cradle in Bethlehem.  It is the same God who reduced His 10^100 (googol) power times infinity to become, not only the Son of God but the Son of Man.  Colossians 1: 15-16 in a nutshell puts it this way, “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created, things in heaven and on earth.”   Jesus, God’s Son, came to be among us at Christmas.  What a gift!!!  

November 20-Pastor Jake Ritzema- "Who are You?"

Who are You?

The talk of the nation a few weeks ago was about the Cubs verses the Indians in the World Series. What a nail biter!! We had a winner and a loser. The talk of the nation during the course of this past week was in the political arena, Hillary verses Trump. What a nail biter!!! We had a winner and a loser.

This contest took on a whole different tone than the baseball game. It is one that will have far reaching ramifications in the years ahead. What was quite evident during both of these events is that you could, for the most part, tell who was for whom.   Regardless of the outcomes, one thing is sure God is in control.  (see Psalm 24:1; Proverbs 21:1)

Why bring it up?  Because I am wondering if folks have the same passion for Christ and His Kingdom, or do the clothing we wear and the things we say have no connection at all to what we really feel about our relationship with Jesus.

This Sunday, November 20, as our series - Acts, the Church: Budding, Building & Blossoming - winds down we are going to take a look at folks that are Spirit filled and some who are faking it and using Jesus name for their own self interest.  Join us as we reflect on what being really committed is all about and how people can see better than we can ourselves who we really are. 

November 13- Pastor Jake Ritzema

Acts 17 "God, not gods"

When the Apostle Paul was strolling through the ancient Greek city of Athens he was amazed, surprise, perplexed and saddened by the number of idols which dotted the landscape.  There were idols, idols everywhere because the residents of that Mediterranean country and city worshipped any and every god imaginable other than the one, true Triune God.   The question for those of us who live in this modern, post Christian, ‘I’ centered country (I-tunes, I-phones, I-pads for example) is this, “If someone strolls into your home will they see the idols you worship scattered around or is there enough evidence available that would convince them that you are follower of Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God and Son of man? 

November 5- Jail Break- Pastor Jake Ritzema

Pastor Jake is back this week, preaching on Acts 16.  We all have good days and bad days.  But through it all, God is still working.  See how he worked powerfully in life of the apostles.

This week we also are celebrating the installation of Pastor Eric to Associate pastor at Grace Valley, and we will officially welcome their family as members, and baptize Caden into the family of God