The early church devoted themselves to corporate worship gatherings. Teachings, prayer, and the Lord's Supper. Today we learn why its important that they gathered together in this way.
4.15.18 Devoted #1- Pastor Eric Schlukebir
The church in Acts 2 is described as "devoting themselves" to several aspects of the life of the church. In this series we are going to explore what that means for us today. To start things off, Pastor Eric describes a Biblical understanding of Love as a commitment to be with each other, for each other, unto the Kingdom.
April 8-2018- Go- Pastor Jake Ritzema
Matthew's Gospel ends with the Great Commission. Jesus sends out his disciples to make disciples of all nations. Pastor Jake shares from one of his favorite Bible verses, inspiring us to do the same.
April 1 2018- Easter
The Resurrection is the most important story in the history of the world. Whether the rest of the Bible has any meaning at all revolves around whether the Resurrection is true. In Today's sermon we explore what we can learn from Matthew's account of the Resurrection that can help us to believe, as well as live into God's new Kingdom reality.
Preparing for the Cross 5-Jesus Comes as King- Pastor Jake Ritzema
Palm Sunday. For a brief moment, the people of Israel recognized Jesus as King. But the question quickly becomes what kind of King is he? Pastor Jake teaches us about who Jesus is, through the eyes of John the Baptist.
Preparing for the Cross 4- Denial- Pastor Eric Schlukebir
Peter's denial of Jesus after he promised he would never do it, amounts to a lack of integrity. Pastor Eric contrasts, Peter's response to Judas', and how Peter became someone who kept his promises, and became the leader of the early church
3.11.18- Preparing for the Cross 3-The Trial- Pastor Jake Ritzema
After his arrest Jesus had a trial before Caiaphas the High Priest. False witnesses accused Jesus, and he was convicted in a truly unjust trial.
3.4.18 Preparing for the Cross 3-Arrest- Pastor Eric Schlukebir
We are moving towards the cross. After hearing about the story of Last Supper, and Jesus' prayer in the Garden, Jesus gets up, and goes out to meet Judas and the mob that is coming to arrest them. In response to what takes place he addresses Judas, Peter, and the crowd. What does Jesus teach us about the meaning of the cross from these words?
Preparing for the Cross 2- Gethsemane-Pastor Eric Schlukebir
After Jesus predicts Judas' betrayal, and that the disciples would also abandon him, Jesus still takes them to Gethsemane as he wrestles with what lays ahead. Pastor Eric shares about what we can learn from Jesus about the necessity of relationship, and how far Jesus is willing to go for us.
2.18.18 Preparing for the Cross 1- Betrayal at the Last Supper- Pastor Jake Ritzema
Pastor Jake preaches from the text of the Last Supper in Matthew. As we gather around the table, its helpful to see what parts of us we see in Judas.
But I say... The Parable of the Talents- Pastor Jake Ritzema
The last in the Parables series. Jesus tells the story of a man who gave three servants differing amounts of money. The way they used what they were given has many implications for the Christian life today.
But I Say... The Parable of the Mustard Seed- Pastor Eric Schlukebir
Jesus teaches that the Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed. When planted it grows and becomes a tree, providing rests for the birds.
Learn how Jesus is that mustard seed, providing us rest, as well as how we can represent him and his kingdom by pointing others to that rest.
But I Say... The Parable of the Weeds- Pastor Jake Ritzema- New Building Dedication
Jesus taught many things in parables. In the first of a short three part series on the Parables, Pastor Jake preaches from this sometimes difficult to understand parable.
But I Say... Do not judge... Pastor Eric Schlukebir
One of the most popular verses that are quoted against Christians today is Jesus' words "Do not Judge." What did he mean by this, why shouldn't we judge others? How do we avoid hypocrisy? And how can we lead others to a place where love comes first.
1.14.18 But I say... The Lord's Prayer- Pastor Jake Ritzema
While Jesus spent much time praying in the gospels, the Lord's Prayer is the most specific instance of Jesus teaching us to pray. What can we learn about prayer from the Lord himself?
1.7.18- But I Say... Love your enemies- Pastor Eric Schlukebir
Jesus came to save us, but he also came to teach us. Today we begin a short series on the Sermon on the Mount learning about some of Jesus' teachings. Today, one of Jesus' hardest sayings. "Turn the other cheek, walk an extra mile, give to the one who asks, and love your enemy.
12.31.17 Jesus the Refugee- Pastor Jake Ritzema
After Herod declared that all babies must be killed in an attempt to protect his throne. Joseph, Mary and Jesus sought safety in Egypt. This week, Pastor Jake explores the faith of Joseph as he listened to God, to protect their child.
12.24.17- Christ is Coming 3- Bring Him Gifts- Pastor Eric Schlukebir
The story of the Magi is only found in Matthew's gospel. What do we learn about Jesus from this strange visit of foreign men who have come to worship "the one born king of the Jews?"
12.17.17 Christ is Coming 3- Immanuel- Pastor Jake Ritzema
The amazing thing about Christmas is that God himself became human and came to earth to save us. Pastor Jake teaches about the significance of Immanuel.
12.10.17 Christ is Coming 2-Pastor Eric Schlukebir
The genealogies in the Bible are sections we aren't sure what to do with. This week we look at Matthew's genealogy and see what Matthew wants to teach us about Jesus by giving us a list of his ancestors.