7.9.17 Micah Mandate #3 Do Justice- Pastor Jake Ritzema

“It’s not fair!” cries a four year old when they didn’t get a toy and their sister did. “It’s not fair” cries a thirty year old when they lose their factory job that was sent overseas. All of us have had those times when life doesn’t seem fair.  Then image what it is like when, because of circumstances beyond your control, you find  yourself homeless, or you find yourself bound in a wheelchair, or you find yourself born with a skin color or heritage that automatically places you in minority status in the country you are living in.

How often in those situation are you looking for someone to champion your cause or someone to assist you with all the obstacles you find in your way, or obstacles others intentionally place in your way because of your situation. “It’s not fair!” you cry. All you are seeking is justice but all you receive everywhere you turn is injustice from those in power or who power over you.

Unfortunately things haven’t changed since the days of Micah the prophet thousands of years ago. What can be done? Come Sunday as we discuss this very thought provoking subject of justice as it applies to our own modern situation and to us individually. See you on the 9 th of July.

7.2.17 De Immigrant

July 4 th is right around the corner. Independence Day! Freedom! Our country is now 241 years old – the United States of America, a country that, except for our Native Americans was founded, established and populated by immigrants.

America, such a land of opportunity and freedom, a place so many in the world long for and yet there is a better land of freedom and opportunity, a kingdom of freedom and joy, it is the Kingdom of God. Who can become a citizen of that country?

The Apostle Paul says foreign and strangers can. How do you become a citizen of such a country? Join us this holiday weekend, Sunday, July 2 at 10 a.m. and we will find out together.

6.25.17 Micah Mandate #2 Walk Humbly-Pastor Eric Schlukebir

The second part of Micah 6:8 that we will explore is the command to walk humbly with God.  It's something we first see in the garden of Eden, and continues to be a metaphor for our relationship with God throughout the Old Testament.  Today, we are going to learn about King Hezekiah, one of the few kings of Israel who were said to have "walked in the ways of David," which also means walking with God.

6.04.17 The Sending Spirit-Pastor Eric Schlukebir

Today was Pentecost Sunday, and so we are remembering and celebrating when Spirit first came at Pentecost.  The disciples were waiting, but when the Spirit came, it sent them out into the world, where those first Christians boldly proclaimed the good news about Jesus.  And from this day in Jerusalem, the gospel spread to the ends of the earth.  

4.30.17 Overwhelmed-Shame-Pastor Jake Ritzema

Shame, is the idea that we are not enough.  That something deep inside of us that believes if you really knew me you wouldn't love me.  Different than guilt, which says, "I did something bad," shame says "I AM bad."  But the gospel of Jesus is that he knows us more deeply than anyone ever could, AND he went all the way to the cross to show us how much he loves us and wants to be with us.  

3.26.17 Giving up our Enemies- Pastor Jake Ritzema

Usally the first thing that comes to mind when we start listing our enemies are the terrorists that spend their time devising ways of striking fear in the hearts of the average citizen of any western country.  However enemies actually cover a wide range of individuals that we have marked as those who have hurt us or those who think differently than we do.  During this season of Lent we are giving up a lot of things which, believe it or not, includes our enemies. In fact Jesus gives us a radical concept when it comes to thinking about and even interacting with our enemies.  He said we need to "love" them!!!  Now that's radical.  But can we do it?  We'll talk about it this Sunday, please join us here at Grace Valley.

3-12-17 Giving Up Expectations- Pastor Jake Ritzema


I know this is dated but for those of you who are old enough or for those of you who have access to You Tube check out the song “High Hopes” by Frank Sinatra.  Here is the chorus, “But he's got high hopes, he's got high hopes; He's got high apple pie, in the sky hopes”.  We wouldn’t be human if we didn’t have high hopes and high expectations of people we interact with and even God.  The thing is, during Lent can we give up our high expectations, or even should we?  To find out check out this Sunday’s Lenten message on, “if and how our expectations and God’s purposes for us connect in any way, shape or form”. 

3-5-17 Giving up Control- Pastor Eric Schlukebir

Why do we give up things for Lent?"

Lent is about preparing ourselves for the death and resurrection of Jesus. And so just as Jesus gave up everything for us, many Christians use Lent as a period of time to intentionally give up something for the purpose of focusing on Jesus. 

This year for Lent, in our worship service, our message series is  will focus not on physical things that we need to give up, but attitudes and ways of life that keep us from accepting God’s gift of grace through Jesus.

This week we start with our desire to control things.  What does our need to be in control say about our trust in God.  And, most importantly, how does Jesus example of giving up control, allow us to let Him be in control of our lives?

2-26-17 "Facing our Future" Pastor Jake Ritzema

Facing our Future

There is an elephant in the room, something that it seems no one in our youth centered culture wants to talk about, but if we are going to face our future there is one certainty that we shouldn’t gloss over.  George Bernard Shaw was quoted by Billy Graham as saying, ““The statistics of death are quite impressive, one out of one people die”.  And he is right, death - unless the Lord comes again during our life time – is a certainty whether we talk about it or admit it or not. 

The question of the day is, “Are you prepared to face the future?”  If not, faith in Christ may put you at ease.  Jesus said to his disciples who were nervous about their future, “Trust in God, trust in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms and I’m going to prepare a room for you.  I will come to bring you to where I am”.  See isn’t it easier to face the future knowing you can have one in Christ

2-12-17 "Facing our Fears"-Pastor Jake Ritzema

What are you scared of?  Do you have Phobophobia which is the fear of phobias, or are you fearful of needles, or the dark or spiders?  Fear, if you are honest, is something that all of us deal with on different levels. So what do you when some future event or even present danger has you so scared that your pulse quickens and your stomach sours?


Do you shut your eyes and hope it goes away, do you find some spray or trap or medicine you hope relieves the pressure in your head?  The fear factor scares people half to death, so what should you do about it?

February 6 2017- Pastor Eric Schlukebir- Facing the Giants

We all want to be able to live courageously.  But more often than not we give into our fears, and rather than take the risks we need to take to go somewhere new, we desire to go back to the places where we are more comfortable.  The Israelites did this over and over again on the way to the Promised Land.  But even though they didn't always live courageously as they should, God continued to be with them.  And as they get ready to enter the Promised Land, his message is still one of grace and hope.  "I will be with you.  I will never forsake you.  Be Strong and Courageous"

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