In the 10 commandments, God tells us to “honor our parents.” This is an important command. Pastor Jake teaches on what it means for us to honor our father and mother today.
9.16.18 Marriage and Family #2 - Marriage- Pastor Eric Schlukebir
What do we do about marriage? Today, many people have a bad view of marriage, or think it should be abandoned all together. Today we explore some truths about marriage from God’s word.
9-9-18- Marriage and Family #1- Pastor Jake Ritzema
9-2- The difference of a life lived with Jesus- Pastor Eric Schlukebir
Why is discipleship important? Why should you get up early to come for Sunday School, or be a part of a small group? Pastor Eric looks at the story of the apostles in Acts 3 and 4 to show the difference it can make it we prioritize time with Jesus, and his body.
8.20.18 7 Deadly sins- Gluttony-Pastor Eric Schlukebir
We wrap up our series on the 7 deadly sins with the sin of gluttony? What is behind our desire for more and more and more, even when we know it isn't good for us?
8.13.18 7 Deadly Sins #7- Greed- Pastor Jake Ritzema
Money is at the heart of so many of the worlds problems, so its no wonder that Greed is on the list of the seven deadly sins. Pastor Jake teaches us about what is behind the sin of greed, and how we can find freedom from it.
8.5.18- Guest Speaker- Rev. Mike Moore
Pastor and Church Planter Mike Moore joins us this morning to share a little bit about his ministry in the Bridgeport neighborhood in Chicago. He connects the work of the church to the work of the Priests in Leviticus 9.
We are grateful to have heard him preach the word, and pray that God will bless his ministry.
7.29.18 Seven Deadly Sins #6-Anger- Pastor Jake Ritzema
Anger is one of the deadly sins that we all relate to. How can we learn to get a handle on our anger? How can we let Jesus turn our anger into love?
7.22.18 Seven Deadly Sins #5-Sloth- Pastor Eric Schlukebir
Most people think about laziness when they think about sloth. But Sloth is about more than just not doing anything. Sloth is about avoiding what is important to God.
7.15.18- 7 Deadly Sins #4- Envy- Pastor Jake Ritzema
Our culture is happy to show us how much better things could be. We could have a better house, a better job, a better car, better friends, better everything. It's the American dream. But that dream sometimes leads us to envy. When we aren't satisfied with what God has given us, and desire something he has given someone else. Pastor Jake shows us what the Bible has to say about envy, and how we can respond when we experience this deadly sin.
7.8.18 7 Deadly Sins- Lust- Pastor Eric Schlukebir
God isn't afraid to talk about sex. It was his idea. Pretty much everyone agrees sex is a powerful force. Which means it can either build up, or tear down in powerful ways. Today we learn from Jesus about adultery and lust, and how to keep our desires pointing in the right direction.
7.1.18 Seven Deadly Sins #2- Pride- Pastor Jake Ritzema
Pastor Jake preaches on the deadly sin of pride. For many in the deadly sin tradition pride is considered the root of all of the other sins. Today Pastor Jake helps us to see the ways that pride impacts our lives.
7 Deadly Sins #1 - What is the big deal about Sin- Pastor Eric Schlukebir
We are starting a new series on the 7 deadly sins. Pastor Eric kicks it off today by talking about the way sin impacts our lives and our world. Today we explore a little bit of the history of the seven deadly sins, and talk about how Jesus frees us from sin.
6.17.18 Following the Leader #3- Pastor Eric Schlukebir
Peter's most famous failure happens as Jesus is on trial. While Jesus is being questioned by the chief priests, Peter is questioned by some of the bystanders about his relationship with Jesus. Where do we turn when our life is at our lowest, like Peter's was?
6.3.18 Following the Leader #2- Pastor Eric Schlukebir
Today we look at Peter's famous declaration of Jesus as the Christ. But in Matthew, this declaration is quickly followed by Jesus telling Peter to step back.
How does Peter go from such a high to such a low so quickly?
5.27.18 Peter#1- Pastor Jake Ritzema
Pastor Jake preaches about the calling of Peter. Why would a fisherman leave his nets and follow Jesus?
5-20-18 Devoted #6- Devoted to Growth-Pastor Jake Ritzema
Luke ends Acts 2 by telling us that the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. On Pentecost Sunday, we learn about how God's Spirit grows the church.
5-13-18 Devoted #5- Devoted to Joy Together-Pastor Eric Schlukebir
The people met together with glad and sincere hearts. This week we look at how the NT church didn't just reluctantly meet together for worship, but did the hard work of caring for each other, and spending time with each other beyond just mere pleasantries.
5.6.18 Devoted #4- Devoted to Life Together
Acts 2 describes the church as meeting in the temple courts and in people's homes. Today we discuss how an important part of the life the church involves informal gatherings where we celebrate who God is and what he has done together.
4.29.18 Devoted #3- Devoted to signs, wonders and sharing- Pastor Eric Schlukebir
Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.